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Claudio, DysNet's Board Chair, joined RAGGIUNGERE in May 1999, where he focused on consolidating a synergic approach with Institutions, Associations, Hospitals, Research Centers, Athletes.  Since he participated in DysNet's foundation meeting in 2012 he supports DysNet in reinforcing our precious European network helping to spread awareness, knowledge and assistance based on the "Leitmotiv" of inclusion.

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Claudio Pirola

VIDEO Transcript

Hi everybody my name is Claudio Pirola- chair of Dysnet. Just let me tell you a few words about my story. My first proactive approach to disability goes back to a couple of decades ago when my wife and I had the opportunity to adopt a child with a limp deficiency. It was at that point that we  immediately got in touch with Raggiungere an Italian association of families with children born with limb difference. Thanks to this association little by little I had the opportunity to empower my knowledge in respect of the complexity and richness of the disabilities world in general. Specialised hospitals, universities, advanced research centres especially focused on bionic robotics. As well as fun parks whose management considered us as a reference to review the rules in force with respect of the access of persons with disability. We came at first to discover and then active subjects to dialogue with getting very positive results in common benefit but it was especially when I took part in the first meetings organised by DysNet in  Malmö in 2012 and in Stockholm in 2015 that I got the feeling Dysnet was already at the time a big community with great sensibility, know-how and various to be spent for a better future. So the question is how can we strengthen each single knowledge we are experiencing at domestic level into something which can give added value at a larger scale? A lot of work has already been done by our associations in each country and I think we are all aware that there is more additional effort sharing all our experiences can give extra ordinary added value to our specific know-how to common interest. That’s exactly our challenge. Dysnet must be a supernature to spread knowledge in each culture,  share best practice, organise conferences in Europe to meet each other. You must let the voice of disability be louder in Europe also on  political level. This is possible thanks to comparing plans and actions that we’ve been a measure to submit to the European Parliament through it specific commissions. The European Parliament must become one of our privileged interlocutors. If you believe this DysNet is your home. Many thanks for your attention – Arrivederci!

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