The internet is a free and open platform, as are social networks. DysNet wants your experience using our own networks to be as pleasant and useful as possible. In order to private message another member of the site, you must be friends with them. We would recommend that you only accept a friendship request from someone you know.
DysNet does its best to monitor the use of its representative sites and those who register, but if you are approached or befriended by anyone on our sites who causes you discomfort or offence, please do let us know.
Email info@dysnet.org and we will investigate your concerns and, if necessary, ban the user from our sites.
Legal Notices
DysNet (former EDRIC European Dysmelia Reference Information Centre) is registered in Stockholm as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) under Swedish Law.
Date of Registration 7th January 2009.
Registration Number: 802444-3015.
The host server for the DysNet website is located within the EU. The applicable jurisdiction in respect of any legal matters concerning the website shall be the laws of Sweden only.
If you have any questions about these legal notices, please contact us at:
Postal Address: DysNet Ideell Förening, Vilohemsvägen, 12c, 26653 Vejbystrand, SWEDEN
E-Mail: info@dysnet.org
DysNet Legal Notices
Code of Good Conduct Transparency Statement Position Statement on Collaboration